Welcome to
.St Peter's &
.St Paul's
St Peter's and St Paul's
Sunday Services
1st Sunday - All Age Eucharist - 9.30
2nd Sunday - Sung Eucharist - 11.00
3rd Sunday - Sung Eucharist - 9.30
4th Sunday - Sung Eucharist - 11.00
5th Sunday - Joint Benefice Service- 11.00
Weekly pew sheets are available on the Resources page.
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday at 9.00am (Zoom)
Open Church
Every day 9am-3pm
We are part of the Anglo-Catholic tradition which means we like to worship God through singing, liturgy, and Church festivals.
Our church has stood on this site since the first half of the twelfth century. It is surrounded by quiet and peaceful farmland and is the starting point for many walkers following the extensive public footpaths.
The distinguished naturalist John Ray was born in Black Notley in 1628 and is buried in the churchyard.
What’s going on?

At St Peter and St Paul's, our vision is:
to worship God,
to encourage Christian disciples in their journey
to bring the love of Jesus Christ to people in our parish
To find out what our services are like, please find our livestream videos on Facebook - but the best way to see what we're about is to come along in person.

Being a disciple of Jesus means that we are continuing to learn and grow as we follow him.
If you have questions about the Christian faith we run an Alpha course each year that provides a time to share with others who are asking similar questions.
If you'd like to go deeper in your faith, Rev Roman hosts a a weekly Bible study, and we offer courses to go deeper in Lent and Advent.
If you would like to find out about taking a step of faith through baptism or confirmation, please click here.
Children and families
Jesus welcomed little children to him and we want to follow his example.
Our All Age Eucharist takes place on the First Sunday of the month at 9.30am. It lasts about an hour, and involves all generations of our church family. We encourage all families who are enquiring about baptism to first come along to this service.
There are various groups and events for Children and Young People that take place at St P&P, please click here for more information.
Our Choir sing every week in Church, with rehearsals on Friday evenings from 7-8pm.
For more information, please speak to Marion Morrison, our organist and director of music.
We also have a Junior Choir takes place on the Fourth Sunday of the month at 10.15am.

Life events
A baptism or a christening marks the beginning of a journey of following Jesus.
We are always delighted to baptise people, find out more here.
The death of someone close is a very sad time and there is always such a lot to do when you least feel able to cope. Whatever your needs, we are here to help at this difficult time.

It is a joy to welcome couples to our church for their wedding. The service is central to one of the most important days of your life and we do everything we can to ensure that it is really special.

Grieving doesn't end with the funeral. Our churchyard and memorial garden surrounded by peaceful countryside provide a special place to come and remember your loved ones.

Get involved
We are committed to praying for our church to grow in numbers, in faith and in the good we do in our communities.
Every weekday we gather for Morning Prayer on Zoom at 9am. If you would like to receive the link to join, please speak to Mike Halford.
Each week in church we pray for the needs of the world and for others.
If you would like someone to pray with you, we would be delighted to do so, please contact the ministry team.

We are so grateful to all who contribute to the mission and ministry of the church.
Give In Person
If you come to a service, you can give by cash or by card at the table at the back of church.
Give Regularly
If you would like to give regularly email our treasurer Carole March here. If you are able to Gift Aid your donations, it makes a real difference. For information, please click here.
One-off Donations
If you would like to, you can make a one-off donation on JustGiving here. We are very grateful for all donations we receive.
We always welcome new volunteers.
At the moment we are looking for volunteers for:
• Bell ringing - please contact Max at maxford@hotmail.com
• Choir
• Tea and coffee rota
If you would like to help out in our services (such as reading the Bible or leading the prayers) please speak to Rev Rachel or Rev Roman in the first instance.

Get in touch
We'd love to hear
from you

Nikki Horsley
Assistant Curate
Rev'd Rachel Prior
Rev'd Roman Kukiewicz
Rev'd Nikki Horsley
Day off: Saturday

Marion Morrison
Churchwarden, St Peter and St Paul's
Marion Morrison

Nettie Sibree-Lait
Churchwarden, St Peter and St Paul's
Nettie Sibree-Lait
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding
Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer Judy Spearman can be contacted here.