Becoming a member signifies your commitment to God and to this church.
If you are a regular attender at the church, and have been attending for at least six months, you are eligible to become a member. This means you are publicly committed as a member, and able to vote at Church meetings and serve on Church Council.
When you become a member you may indicate your denomination or you may choose to describe yourself as a 'Member of the Church in Great Notley.'
To become a member, you are invited to take part in a short Membership course run by Rev'd David and Rev'd Rachel to find out more about what this commitment entails.
Church Council
Our Church Council are elected to serve and fulfil the functions expected of them by our Church Constitution - in our Constitution they are usually called ‘Trustees’.
We have the following documents relating to Data Protection:
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Our Church Councils has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practices on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website:
Details of our Benefice Safeguarding Representative Judy Spearman can be found here

Amanda Miller
Amanda Miller



Lisa Scott



Rev David Sebley
URC Minister,
Great Notley
Current members of Church Council
Congregational Meetings
We also hold four General Church Meetings per year, one is our Annual General Meeting. In these meetings we review:
the life and witness of the Church;
consider topics relevant to the local and wider witness of the church;
receive reports about the life of the church;
consider matters brought by the Trustees for church members to offer advice or guidance and to indicate support as required;
to help shape the life, work and vision of the church.