We are one congregation made up of a group of churches joined together.
This means that every Sunday is a bit different! Our Sunday morning service starts at 11am and is for everyone.
During term time we have a Junior Church Group with fun teaching and activities for children of all ages.
Our wonderful building that opened in 2010 hosts a nursery and various community groups and is available to hire for events, gatherings and parties
Latest live-streamed service
Service live on Facebook at 11:00 am on Sunday
Being Ecumenical
Technically, we're called a Local Ecumenical Partnership and we include the Baptist Church, Methodist Church, United Reformed Church and the Church of England, in association with the Roman Catholic Church. To find out more, explore the links below.
Christ Church Braintree
As well as our connections with Black Notley and Rayne, we have a close relationship with Christ Church URC in Braintree with whom we share our minister David.
What’s going on?
Our vision as a church is:
To show the love of Jesus in word and action so that others may come to know him as Lord and Saviour
We believe that Jesus' life, death and resurrection is good news for our whole community, and we want to show that through the things that we do!

Being a disciple of Jesus means that we are continuing to learn and grow as we follow him.
If you have questions about the Christian faith we run an Alpha course each year that provides a time to share with others who are asking similar questions.
If you'd like to go deeper in your faith, we have a Bible study twice a month on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. For more information, text Maggie on 07436014255.
We also offer courses in Lent and Advent.
If you would like to find out about taking a step of faith through baptism or confirmation, please click here. If you would like to become a member of our church, please find more information here
Children and families
Jesus welcomed little children to him and we want to follow his example.
Our all age service takes place on the First Sunday or Second Sunday of the month at 11.00am. It is more informal, and designed with wriggly children in mind. We encourage all families who are enquiring about baptism to first come along to this service.
To find out more about our other events for children and families, such as our church group Junior Church, Snackanory (our baby and toddler group) Messy Church and Youth Group click here.
We want to put our faith into action.
We opened a Foodbank in October 2019, as part of the Braintree Area Foodbank, in association with the Trussell Trust. We run on Tuesdays from 10am -12pm. Donations for foodbank can be left in the church porch.
For more information, please speak to Maggie.

Our wonderful church building is used for multiple community groups in the week including:
Little Notleys Nursery
Rainbows and Brownies
Rascals Theatre Group
Great Notley Photography Club
If you would like to find out more about hiring our church building, please click here.

Life events

A baptism or a christening marks the beginning of a journey of following Jesus.

We are delighted to welcome couples to our church for their wedding and we do everything we can to ensure that it is really special.

The death of someone close is a very sad time and there is always such a lot to do when you least feel able to cope. Whatever your needs, we are here to help at this difficult time.

Get involved
Join us to pray together on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Prayer requests can be left in the foyer on the prayer tree and will be prayed for each week.
If you would like to join the church prayer list, interceding for those we know who are in need, please contact Rosemary or Paul Freeman.
We are committed to praying for our church to grow in numbers, in faith and in the good we do in our communities.

Volunteers make the church's wheels go round! We are particularly looking for volunteers to help out with:
• Music
• Maintaining our garden
• Cleaning
• Handywork in the church
We are always happy to welcome volunteers to assist in our Sunday worship, such as looking after the preacher, reading from the Bible or leading the intercessions.
If you are able to offer your time please speak to Rev Rachel or Rev David.

We are so grateful to all those who give to the CiGN. You can...
Give In Person
If you come to a service, you can give by cash
or by card at the sound desk.
Give Regularly
If you would like to give regularly to the
Church via standing order, please look here.
Add Gift Aid
If you are able to gift aid your donations, please download the form here and return to Lisa.
Make a one-off Donation
If you would like to, you can make a one-off
donation here.
Sign Up For Give As You Live
If you do any online shopping, click here to raise money for the CiGN - it's free and easy!

Get in touch
We'd love to hear from you

Rev'd Rachel Prior

Rev'd Roman Kukiewicz

Rev'd David Sebley

Suzanne Gillingham
or contact The Church in Great Notley
on Facebook
For general enquiries please contact the Office on 01376 330988
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Church Council has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding
Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer Judy Spearman can be contacted by emailing judy52spearman@gmail.com