We are three churches committed to loving and serving God and our communities in villages near Braintree, Essex.

Join us on Sundays...
9:30 am
11:00 am
5th Sundays are a shared Benefice Service at one of our churches.
Great Notley Church...
Braintree Foodbank
Great Notley Church...
Great Notley Church...


Our people

Rev'd Rachel Prior

Rev'd Nikki Horsley

Associate Priest
Rev'd Roman Kukiewicz
Lisa Gregson
Benefice Administrator

Rev David Sebley
URC Minister,
Great Notley

Judy Spearman
Benefice Safeguarding Officer

Suzanne Gillingham
Children, Families and Outreach Worker,
Great Notley

Deborah Ferris
Children and Families Co-ordinator Black Notley

Michele Harris
Children and Families Lead at Rayne

Colin Miles
Local Preacher and Church Warden at All Saints Rayne

Graham Brine
Churchwarden at All Saints, Rayne

Chris Hutton
Reader at All Saints, Rayne

Marion Morrison
Churchwarden, St Peter and St Paul's

Nettie Sibree-Lait
Churchwarden, St Peter and St Paul's
Our latest services

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We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Our Church Councils has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practices on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding
Details of our Benefice Safeguarding Representative Judy Spearman can be found here
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